Getting a special edition print ready for @artcarbootfair !theme this year : #hands Back at #Letterpress central with Derek and Ian ( ADAMS of #Rye 01797 223136 ) #uk #woodblock #type #printers #font These will only be on availabl at @herrickgallery stand #bricklane & #hastings The Art Car Boot Fair 2016 London 12th June 2016 / Hastings 16th July 2016 This year the theme of the Art Car Boot Fair is The Hand. Dextrous not sinister this years Art Car Boot Fair comes to you with a mandate to enjoy and with our hands on our hearts we promise you much frivolity and even more serious art bargains to boot. Plus hand-cranked vintage Vauxhall cars and a spray of pretty Adams. Manual transmission only extravagant hand signals and absolutely no hand brakes being applied. Our hand-selected line-up of leading artists will be present and waiting at their car boots with carefully hand-finished just-for-the-day art booty awaiting you to cross their ink & paint stained palms with silver so they can hand over some rare and precious artefacts and artworks for you to hang in handsome splendor in your homes. Plus! Art you can wear directly on your fingers and art you can make under the guiding hands of artists with your own hands. In and amidst the art collecting frenzy there will be a fabulous and inspired range of hands-on entertainments a boxing ring stage some handbag slinging a few rounds exotic finger food hand-pushed trolley bars from Artists Behind Bars with hand-pulled bitter two fingers of whiskey and hand-shaken martinis plus incredible sleights of hand and close-up magic live palm reading nail art extraordinary glove puppetry Punch & Judy spanking hands inky fingers real hand-printing searches for lost g(loves) hand holding a punch a little slapping and lots to tickle your fancies whatever they may be. Talking to The Hand We're going to be talking about the hand with leading psychoanalyst and writer Darian Leader who will be bringing a boot full of his fascinating new book Hands - What we do with them
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