
Showing posts from October 12, 2014

Mini mini pre Deinstall as it needed to be moved back @wecouldnotagree

Want to stop time? Feel what it's like to live forever? Invigilate an art show.

Audio Sushi tonight @dogstarbrixton 10pm-4am free before -10pm (£5 after) #brixton #DOGSTAR #hiphop #dance #house #deephouse #electronica #bass #eclectic #wild #style

Tonight @smutlee @hddlnd #temperature #brixton vs magoc robot @dogstarbrixton 10pm-4am free before 10pm photo iD needed for entry #smutlee #hipsters #dont #dance #hdd

@ricardoseco x @newbalancemx #nyfw favourite "dreams" #huichol #ss15 #574

#RIP #MarkBell #LFO #warp - untimely.

That one red light.

Hello - is it me you're looking for?

My new sculpture 'mini mini' starts a week show at Q car parks Cavendish square tonight 6pm-9pm private view for "we could not agree" #art #london #freize #week #sculpture #opening ( install picture by VB )

During just two weeks in August, Saudi beheaded more people than all the IS videos combined.

I think might keep it :) indoor tents are good.

Petra has set up a sound space tent in the front room! ( Facebook : a sound space )

Cutting Hawthorne and Blackthorne today and scrub brush by the lake, then setting it on fire.


brutally busy @AUDIOSUSHI night at @dogstarbrixton #dogstar #brixton more people outside than in - sorry about that .... Last admission is 3am tonight #space #problem need a club x3 the capacity at times #disco #disastronaut #london #club #mayhem