
Showing posts from May 15, 2016

Wow Neil Mather @thepeoplespier is loud - you can hear it all the way down in old town. What's name of operations person? It's definitely over 87db which is the maximum limit allowed for staff - please have operations read - the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005. It's really not fair to the 1000s of people who live up and down the seafront and many inland have to listen to this ... Clearly no sound assessment has been done. Worse that only a handful of people are even on pier ...

Worrying #Hastings @thepeoplespier is so loud. Band on 1/2 mile away and sounds like it’s in room next door. Window glass vibrating. Only about 10-20 people watching band... It's clear no sound assessment has been done, nor would council take any noise complain seriously anyway.

Thanks Dan from Another fine mesh! My Design for @dogstarbrixton charity tshirts available in a few weeks at the bar

Friday question --- how are 2500 going to fit on a pier and see the band? I hope it's been worked out ! ?

Great ballroom takeover at Audio Sushi this week with KILLA KELA Killa Kela and DJ @porgeone This Satuday at Audio Sushi Every Saturday at the Dogstar Brixton - With Special Guests Famous Eno and Killa Kela 10pm-4am free before 10pm, 35 after


New show coming up in #hastings #uk bank holiday Sunday with @audiosushi djs / and lots of art X palace court ballroom & drawing room 29.05.16 4pm-6pm by invite only.

130,940 paid streams in April. Strange how this new music world works. [all at ......point 00345 etc. ]

some recent record covers + reissues....

Summer show opening Thursday 4th August - here many more details to come! in East London near Olympic park [Boom Boom Bubbles, etc] and Shuby

Next Sunday at Palace Court

Meanwhile something for the UK frackers to consider.

Fracking ----

A few new UK shows to consider: --- Bank Holiday party and show - Sunday 29th May Hastings Ballroom opening w. Kirsten Reynolds / Victoria Kiff / Shuby and possibly others... 4pm-6pm --- The Art Car Boot Fair returns to Brick Lane Sunday 12th June then Saturday 16th July - Hastings, Sussex --- Art Basel Art Fair 16th - 19th June Messe Basel |Basel, Switzerland|16-19 June --- Port Eliot Festival - Official July with Derek Brown & co. --- in August a joint show with Shuby at Forman's Smokehouse Gallery ... and this will be some big inflatable sculptures, new works and Art Bonfire

1-2-3-4 The 1234 Festival is back this time in E3 12noon-12:07pm live set likely.

1-2-3-4 The 1234 Festival is back this time in E3 12noon-12:07pm live set likely.

Flower show #paintings no.5 #floral #faces #spring #festival ( price info )

Flower show #paintings no.4 #floral #faces #spring #festival ( price info )

Flower show #paintings no.3 #floral #faces #spring #festival ( price info )

Flower show #paintings no.2 #floral #faces #spring #festival ( price info )

Flower show #paintings no.1 #floral #faces #spring #festival ( price info )

Writing a symphony around random notes on a piano played by a cat - genius.

This post #post LP is a little collection of #brass studies, #percussion jams and some rather strange ideas with electric #sitar, Repetition and voodoo drum influenced 10-minute funk jams #jazz #funk #afrobeat #asian #disco #electric #world #music

Summer party on Saturday June 25th Dogstar Brixton with The Electric Disco [] 10pm-4am... need to be reminded on a day like today when rain and a strong breeze has just blown in....

New Magic Robot LP on the way this week ... Algiers--- have a promo sample for dj types / radio / synch types who are looking for deep arabic tech disco [all under 115 bpm, 8min plus] #arabic #tech #house #disco #northafrica #oud #accordian #strings

@sketchlondon is a jungle! @stavb lovely to see you too xxx Mayfair flower show may 17th - 29th @champagnepommery

Looking at the ceiling of my studio

Vintage Video Logo Mashup

Tech question Mac people --- - has anyone used this? I'm looking for a programme to grab film / video capture from sources and wanted to know what is best to use ( this is for VJ / mashup sets ) and the like. And doing cut up videos with archival out of copyright materials ? Pablo Fiasco ? Mat? Thanks

Disastronaut on Itunes


Quite a few new records out at moment ( search : Disastronaut ) on #itunes #spotify #applemusic #googleplay #deezer #rdio #tidal #amazon #electronic #music #techno #deephouse #disco #output

Just found my favourite abba record - sung in Hindi


I don't say enough but shout out and thank you thank youThank you Dogstar Brixton Abby Munro @ Ma'ster Freeman Simone Dog-Star Brixton Adacia Bryers Inssomniac Noctis. Ben Hugo Jonathan Hoodof the staff and security. World class wrecking crew #Brixton #YouKickAss