
Showing posts from May 25, 2014

Dogstar Brixton tonight SAT 31 May GUEST LIST IS CLOSED! But still free before 10pm !

How not to wire #cdjs #bgt

@SouthernRailUK new train seats are so uncomfortable - iD need to bring pillows daily if i still lived in #brighton. In trains's favour they do have 230v sockets but terrible, terrible seats.

My neck my back etc. Now playing to packed house. #brixton - in 25 years new version about back pain, getting old

White on white studio

2nd 8'x8'

8'x8' in progress

Works on Paper | White on white paintings open next week Thursday 5th June in #hastings #exhibition at my new gallery

Another #flower #painting for #artcarbootfair @karenashton635

White on white w/ atoms help the show is ahead of schedule... Mighty assistant



Auction 331

H I p s t e r


In 2009 UKIP got 16%, ahead of Labour. One year later they got 3% in General Election. Perhaps the BBC et al would like to mention that? It's not a landslide or earthquake. Instead it's a a stale, racist burp.

Danny Alexander #vote2014 facing a total lib dem wipeout • vs #beaker #bbc

#normski at work @dogstarbrixton #busyasitgets

@mistanormski smashing @dogstarbrixron #brixton #sw9 #south London #party ( 3am close )

American Friends - I'm looking to rent an RV (5-7 sleeper) this August to do some touring... ( under 1500 miles?) anywhere / anyone you could recommend? Likely leaving from NYC or KENTUCKY areas... Thank you if you can help. Also maybe couldn be a band tour bus? That could work too... Thanks!

Not sure if this is hand jive for no. 1 or giving me the finger?