
Showing posts from November 2, 2014

Major party for Amnesty coming up 15/11 next Saturday in #brixton @dogstarbrixton #maxijazz

@beanygreen @shubyart #freelunch next Wednesday in London @regentsplace RG

I think quite a few boys want to be peaky tonight ....

#timetogo Milliband it's time to go. #unrest #labour #letter

I hope I can track down the rights holder for this image... #moog #synth #singing #cat be perfect for a #disaster release

In the garden

For those enquiring we have been advised that there won't be any burning of the Alex Salmond effigies this evening in Lewes.- sussex police

The fake outrage at #alexsalmond #effigy being burned at #lewes #snp #bonfire is silly ( they usually burn a figure of some note of that year - usually the failures and infamous ) in #hastings they #burned a bus. Big deal. In fact the east county council thing ( conservatives etc ) make no sense as Cameron was burned in 2012 zzzz

To #Lewes or not?! Matthew you going?

The channel swimmer Simon Fullerton 15.9c water /8c air going out at #Hastings

Headline writers having fun today "Bankrupt goalkeeper to auction balls"

4 new @shubyart billboard sized paintings for @daisygreenfood at @regentsplace #warren st / #euston rd #big

RG @daisygreenfood // @shubyart going in at #euston #big #artinstallation #wheresthewine #regentsplace #shubyart #streetsrt #aussiecoffee #artisancoffee

Definite trend of DJs doing Viral videos [Stantons, Shy Fx] etc.... several come up every week sometimes via Joe Muggs :)

I half want to bid on this #hudson bay jacket because I hope he comes with it ... #ebay #insanity #blanket #jacket #bay #4point #capote #wool #vintage

Small fishing boat against a dramatic Hastings channel sky

My new version of the #sweatshop #labour #milliband #feminist #twat #tshirt by #elle #ed

... Thank you Dogstar Brixton / Abby Munro / Freeman Robert / Ben Richards / Adacia Bryers / Hannah Pontin / Liz Burrows / Michael Falgate and all of the Dogstar Crew DJ Thank Friday: Thank you Horton Jupiter Adam Billingham / Saturday: Thank you Nick Annand Simon Fullerton Martin Flex Lady Waks Tony Quattro Jurassik, Kurse Jason Laidback SE7EN DEADLY BREAKS Dj Tempa, Final Conflict Medic, Oz White, Jakey Chan, Bob B-Wrong

@deekline smashing up the #dogstar @dogstarbrixton #brixton