
Showing posts from June 29, 2014

Paintings going quickly in #liverpool wonderful @artcarbootfair by @karenashton635 x

@artcarbootfair in #Liverpool opens in 1 hour! ( note if you're going to duke st you need to come around other side ) #artcarbootfair #biennial #wolstenholme sq #cream @aliceherrick7 @karenashton635 #art #car #boot #fair

Hilariously busy @dogstarbrixton

8pm Friday to 8am Sunday 36h straight through - is that even legal?

Happy 4th of July from London to all you dirty Americans everywhere... Especially to those who escaped!

Beautiful swim day #hastings

#hastings feels this hot today...

New #paintings for #Liverpool #Biennial 2014: City to stage anarchic car boot art fair @artcarbootfair

From a dream

#hastings #benefit #auction #oldtown #fire Friday 4th July 6:30pm

Vicki Duffey saves the day :) thank you!


White on white #painting at my new studio in #hastings new Fijian tapa cloth (tree bark) in foreground used for the King's wedding.

Karel Appel '56

Need this sign for the studio...


Table paintings

L'art / Mort

Magazine of the Month

White on white, Hastings painting studio, late opening tonight 9pm