
Showing posts from June 21, 2015

Hard to leave home on an evening like this...

The list is full, all 3 floors, get Fried Adam Billingham in room 2 tonight [x soul casserole] #pop #brixton #market #pride #sw9 #afterparty

to swim with the barrel jellyfish this afternoon down in poole .... apparently they grow to double the size...

Swimming with Simon and co. For the giant killer oh Jesus they're big as barrels jellyfish from hell

Looking forward to this new night @dogstarbrixton with Stuart Griffiths ( vice ) playing ballroom // im still in main room #BRIXTON #july4th #uk #london #madchester #clubs #indie #england

_______ incoming __________ London 26th 27th 28th London Shows Paris 29th/30th Le Generator Live shows Dieppe 1st recording new piano at Church of St. Jacques

Coming up later this year - Coastal Currents festival Coastal Currents in #Hastings --- I'm doing a few shows with quite alot of incredible people...

Beastie Boys go Country rare vinyl found today in studio

A juvenile Peregrine falcon next to a danger sign... Hope this one makes it back to nest as it's had a long day climbing back up the cliffs

Vinyl loving friends #hastings #stleonards I have a stack of free 12"/ LPs and various mixed genre bits that needs to go today or tomorrow Mark Darling? You'll need some muscle and boxes as there are 500-1000 vinyls. Thanks .... Japhy Turner - any more? Good for boot sale / junk shop / art / charity Tom Bartlett ?

Wanted to have quiet night & then the drumming circle show up on the beach outside. Meditation, contemplation, stillness shall have to wait.

Double page in French journal Celebrity Café Revue * And the next Paris show in Tuesday 30th of July *** at Le Generateur [ MODELE VIVANT - INSTALLATION - DESSIN ] Un atelier d’expérimentations & de recherches live ouvert aux dessinateurs & étudiants d’écoles d’art. Le Nönude est une séance de travail initiée par Sarah Cassenti, un atelier de recherches live au croisement de la mise en scène et de la performance. Le Nönude nait des visions de Sarah Cassenti et devient une installation post-monitoire où se rencontrent modèles, dessinateurs et performeurs. Les modèles y sont libres et les traits aussi. En présence de Maya Arbel (Israël). Avec Hélène Defilippi, Irena Andreeva, Naomi Shka, Vanya Yudin (aka Henrik Aeshna), Mogly Speix, Comte de Drangiag, Salvatore Spada, Sarah Cassenti, David Coignard et Paule Vera Paule. Atelier limité à 20 participants ! Date : le 30 juin de 15h à 00 h 15h : Atelier - 20h : Concert de Jeffrey Louis-Reed et création vidéo de David Coignard - Entrée libre Si vous êtes intéressé, merci de nous contacter : > par mail : avec comme objet «Nönude» > par tel : 01 49 86 99 14 Plus d’informations : / Tarif : 10€ Gratuit pour les étudiants #paris -#music -#live #show #art #installation #electronic #performance #streetart #street #music #fete

Thank you for all of the most wonderful birthday wishes - about the only good thing about being so old! ------///// Started with run in the rain & then 7 mile sea swim .... By way friend Mmr Cookstown is swimming north channel tomorrow so all wishes to him - and his fundraising for cancer charities --- then 9 days later swimming English Channel --- --------- Extra special thank you to maestro NJ & Em - atom & Soph - ended up at the magical peregrine lair - birthday picnic post swim one of the more memorable birthday parties in my life that even included a triangular shard like rainbow ... Far out into the sea Magic day

My next DJ Name likely thanks Snotflower !

Harris sent me this picture --- for my birthday ... I love it...

Final call #hastings #stleonards #artists and etc. I'm doing several shows for Coastal currents in late AUGUST and today is ad / listing deadlines day. If you'd like to do any of the three events please let me know by 4pm as I need to get copy / ads done for then. If I've spoken to you already you're in. There is a few performance slots at the STADE over the run of the show for bands / live acts / performance / electronic the like as well... Message me here or thanks

Atom & (his) dad