
Showing posts from November 30, 2014

Full from almost very beginning... @dogstarbrixton #brixton open to 4am - last admission 3an --- place rocking #south #london #dogstar

Fish Pillows #mynoa

Sunset over #Eastbourne

Sometimes when I sell a piece of work like this I feel a bit sad to let it go - as it's been a part of my life for 4 or 5 years... I think this one has found a good home, is in a substantial collection and will be seen for a long time. Shows like this force you to confront the transience of the image and indeed the ephemeral nature of making pictures... Wonder who will have this in the future or if it will just be lost...

He's not for sale everything else is #steal #my #art #hastings til 4pm

Weird Boy

This one is rocking the place .... #mynoa

@dogstarbrixton been packed for hours @mistanormski smashing up the ballroom til 3am ( last admission 3am! ) photo iD a must #south #london #dogstar #club #deephouse #trap #edm #hiphop

Creepy #u2 ad in #standard who thought having 4 old blokes in a bed with "iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE" was good idea #bono more like #boner abs #edge looks a little too happy. #weird

The downs #anti #christmas in #hastings #bad music for bad people... With extra special guests and exploited djs

My studio #art sale in #hastings starts tomorrow at 1pm-4pm #sussex #christmas #sale - I have a few hundred ceramic pieces, 100s of drawings, paintings and reliquary boxes ... Also frames, photographs, lamps, lights, boxes, ephemera, materials and artists' junk I need to clear for the next show in 2015 #artist #steal my #art #drawimgs #painting #east #uk

@rob Hyde / Anyone know a good Art / Food project PR ? And also the name of PR company - possibly did Field Day Pr / --- a woman's name possibly? Maude? or Mabel? ---- memory faulty.

Don't even know what this giant black hole approaching the UK is but I like the graphics

LIving in a small town with corrupt Councillors and planners is one thing - But East Sussex /Hastings is going to another level. Right now a second un-needed road is being planned and the lengths to which these people are going to stuff their pockets with cash is unreal - A national independent enquiry into their conduct is desperately needed into the developers and politicians --- real political pressure must be put on The MP who's so behind these schemes, as the evidence of malfeasance, corruption and shady dealings is piling up.... Vanessa, Mark all the people behind the Hastings County park --- road to nowhere - This needs to be a national story - especially in light of another criminal act of arson that again will never be solved. What Can Be Done?

Just scandalous "Facebook paid just £3,169 in 2013. Amazon paid £10m, Apple paid £11m and Google paid £11.6m. The cumulative revenues of these four companies in the UK is more than £17bn."

Richie #hawtin #speakergate

Need some animation help. Can anyone animate a little mouse jumping on a bed for a fraction of a second (.25?) and then loop it to 5 minutes 33 seconds? I've made a track that literally sounds like a mouse jumping on metal bed springs for 5'33 ** it's 160bpm

Turtle men #drawing

British Sea Power "Brass at Sea" with NASUWT. Review at De La Warr Pavillion Bexhill, England 24.10.14

One of the best bands of the moment • Bosco Rogers • playing at the front of @dragonbar2 #Hastings

Chart Jeffrey / Disastronaut / Audio Sushi Chart Fix / Playlist / Track listings * Monday 1st December 2014

Home again

@dogstarbrixton going off tonight @audiosushi smashing main room with @soulcasserole in the ballroom last admission 3am #brixton