Song titles come from strange places "The Way Off Life" is wonderful. Not sure about Steve though, as we only have, "one chance to Survive." "Steve reviewed Leave.EU – 5 star We will disappear from History if we Stay in the Corruption based EU, our Police force's have been Controlled by Muslim extremists Via EU law's for Decades, we have only one chance to Survive complete Take over by Islam, that's by Taking control of our Law's that Control and protect British people and the British way off life,"
Song titles come from strange places "The Way Off Life" is wonderful. Not sure about Steve though, as we only have, "one chance to Survive." "Steve reviewed Leave.EU – 5 star We will disappear from History if we Stay in the Corruption based EU, our Police force's have been Controlled by Muslim extremists Via EU law's for Decades, we have only one chance to Survive complete Take over by Islam, that's by Taking control of our Law's that Control and protect British people and the British way off life,"
by Jeffrey Louis-Reed
February 25, 2016 at 08:48PM
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by Jeffrey Louis-Reed
February 25, 2016 at 08:48PM
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