#Hastings MP AMber Rudd is leading one of the worst ever periods of UK Government Policy on Energy. John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace, whose investigation unit unearthed the overseas travel figures, said they showed the UK was prepared to ignore the human rights records of countries that could help it meet its energy needs. “We prostrate ourselves before the Saudis because they have oil, and we prostrate ourselves before the Chinese because they’ll pay for a new nuclear plant,” said Sauven. “Meanwhile, [George] Osborne’s policies are causing the defenestration of our own domestic clean energy sector. Solar companies are going to the wall with the loss of thousands of jobs, while onshore wind projects are being blocked and cancelled despite them being the most cost-effective way of producing power. If this chancellor has a vision, it’s one of Britain supplicating before authoritarian regimes while our high-technology renewables industry goes to the wall.” http://ift.tt/1H1XzA9

#Hastings MP AMber Rudd is leading one of the worst ever periods of UK Government Policy on Energy. John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace, whose investigation unit unearthed the overseas travel figures, said they showed the UK was prepared to ignore the human rights records of countries that could help it meet its energy needs. “We prostrate ourselves before the Saudis because they have oil, and we prostrate ourselves before the Chinese because they’ll pay for a new nuclear plant,” said Sauven. “Meanwhile, [George] Osborne’s policies are causing the defenestration of our own domestic clean energy sector. Solar companies are going to the wall with the loss of thousands of jobs, while onshore wind projects are being blocked and cancelled despite them being the most cost-effective way of producing power. If this chancellor has a vision, it’s one of Britain supplicating before authoritarian regimes while our high-technology renewables industry goes to the wall.” http://ift.tt/1H1XzA9
by Jeffrey Louis-Reed

October 25, 2015 at 12:50AM
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