Painted worry-ometer yesterday for a good reason! The weather has been so variable in the English channel some swimmers have waited more than a month for their slot.... The swimming / eating 1/2 your weight in jellyfish regime is going to continue to the foreseeable future ! taking the giant Polish swimmer Lucas up to heathfield now to show him a country auction... As we wait for the call for his swim.

Painted worry-ometer yesterday for a good reason! The weather has been so variable in the English channel some swimmers have waited more than a month for their slot.... The swimming / eating 1/2 your weight in jellyfish regime is going to continue to the foreseeable future ! taking the giant Polish swimmer Lucas up to heathfield now to show him a country auction... As we wait for the call for his swim.
by Jeffrey Louis-Reed

August 04, 2015 at 09:29AM
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