Audio Sushi Track of the day DJ Vadim - This DJ (Dubstep Ting) featuring JMan @bbemusic
Audio Sushi Track of the day DJ Vadim - This DJ (Dubstep Ting) featuring JMan
DJ Vadim's long awaited new solo album comes October 2012 on BBE. Don't Be Scared focuses on the instrumental and brings the beat to the foreground, look forward to vocals from long-time collaborator and fellow 'Oneselfer' Yarah Bravo, Sabira Jade (The Electric) gets political, and new sounds resonate from upcoming singers D'Angelo'esque Jazz Bailey, Hawaiian soulstress Karen Be and gruff funkman Greg Blackman. More pensive than recent albums, melancholy meets tropical vibes meets a strange BBC reporter high on eboga root. Even Jamie Fox makes a guest appearance talking dance moves. This DJ is rapidly becoming Vadim's signature and this playful video directed by Vadim himself sees him getting down with MC J Man.