Disastronaut - The Rest of your Earthly Life 10 - mp3, solo piano, new Japanese record. @audiosushi records
A single track off new Japanese record by Disastronaut - The Rest of your Earthly Life 10 - mp3, solo piano, new record.
Solo Piano - Jeffrey Disaster Part of the "Spectral" trio of LPs jeffrey has just done - The Eternity Versions, Oxytocin Keys x2 LP and this record... Composed, Recorded and Produced in London and Sussex, UK for label Catastrophic
all rights reserved 2011. please email me JLR@audiosushi.com if you'd like the entire record.
Solo Piano - Jeffrey Disaster Part of the "Spectral" trio of LPs jeffrey has just done - The Eternity Versions, Oxytocin Keys x2 LP and this record... Composed, Recorded and Produced in London and Sussex, UK for label Catastrophic
all rights reserved 2011. please email me JLR@audiosushi.com if you'd like the entire record.