Audio Sushi Preview in Ron Orp's
RON ORP’s Mail London SW
Fri 29.10.10 #146 Audio Sushi The brilliantly named Jeffrey Disaster heads up this amazing night of tub thumping collision of electro, funk, house and weird wonked up beats to get this always jam packed crowd into a fervor like no other. It's always a really cool unpretentious crowd done at the Dogstar but get down early or you may be disappointed!! Free b4 10, £5 after. Saturday 8pm, Dogstar, Brixton SW9
Fri 29.10.10 #146 Audio Sushi The brilliantly named Jeffrey Disaster heads up this amazing night of tub thumping collision of electro, funk, house and weird wonked up beats to get this always jam packed crowd into a fervor like no other. It's always a really cool unpretentious crowd done at the Dogstar but get down early or you may be disappointed!! Free b4 10, £5 after. Saturday 8pm, Dogstar, Brixton SW9