Urgent Appeal : for Quinn Mills is the son of Adam [A-Skills] & Suzy Mills.

Quinn Mills is the son of Adam & Suzy Mills.

On the 7th April 2010, just before Quinns first birthday, he was
diagnosed with malignant rhabdoid cancer. This is a rare and
aggressive form of cancer.

On the 4th August, Adam and Suzy were told that Quinn has 3 more
tumours and that neither chemotherapy nor surgery will be able to
prevent these from growing or more from appearing. Because of the
aggressive nature of the cancer they were told that Quinn has 4-6
weeks quality time left and 4 months overall.

The purpose of this group is to keep people updated with Quinns
progress and to get people praying for Quinn and his parents.

If you feel you would like to support Adam, Suzy and Quinn in a
practical way then we have set up a bank account in Quinns name. Any
donations will be used to allow Adam to take time off from his
self-employed work and to treat Quinn to make him feel as happy and
loved as possible in the next few weeks. Bank details below:

Name: Quinn Mills
Bank: HSBC (Chichester)
Account No: 91842919
Sort Code: 40-17-16

Additional information can be found at the following link:


Posted via email from disastronaut's posterous
