Disasters roll on...

Disastronaut's slack sabbath saturday night Smash club
left MAsh on great portland street when it closed down
for a "refit."

We've loved the time off [all 2 saturdays] and are
getting geared up for alot of Air miles - 100,000+
for the rest of the year. [we're going to plant alot
of trees in our spare time...] and places like
hong kong, australia, the americas, irland, sri lanka
and all over europe - with some Barcelona gigs soon
in the late fall / early winter between my sister's wedding
in Ohio [27th nov] and christmas...

and a flood of new records coming in - a track by
my brother greg is getting heavy play here - and some new
bootlegs and mashups - now its not fashionable anymore...

mail me for a wicked AC/DC house banger.
